About the auction

On Thursday 24th October 2024, our wonderful huddle of penguins will take centre stage at an auction to raise money for St Richard’s Hospice.

This spectacular event will take place from 5:30pm Live at DRPG, Hartlebury as well as Online, for those who can’t make it, and will be hosted by Rich ‘Hursty’ Hurst and Featuring Antiques Road Trip and Bargain Hunt Auctioneer Philip Serrell.

This is your opportunity to offer one (or the whole huddle!) of our penguins a forever home, as a lasting memory to this summer’s wonderful trail. All 40 Big Penguins and one Penguin Chick, will go under the hammer, whilst the remaining chicks will return to the schools and community groups who decorated them, as a lasting legacy to the great Waddle of Worcester.

You must register in advance to be able to bid on the night. Registration details will be sent to you closer to the time, upon receipt of a Registration of Interest form, using the link below.







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Auction FAQs

Can I buy a penguin sculpture?

Yes, the large penguins will be sold at the charity auction in October – plus one very special penguin chick. The other nestlings will not be available to buy. They will be returned to either their communities or each of the schools who decorated them, as a memento following the summer’s event.

Can anyone bid for them?

Yes – the bidding process and all the details about the auction will be available nearer the time. We are asking those who would like to attend the event, or bid online, to register their interest via our website https://waddleofworcester.co.uk/auction 

How will the auction work?

The auction will take place on Thursday 24th October 2024. Following the trail, the sculptures will be refurbished by artists, bringing each of the sculptures back to excellent condition, before they go under the hammer.

When and where is the Live Auction?

Thursday 24th October 2024 at DRPG, Ikon Estate, 212 Droitwich Road, Hartlebury. DY10 4EU

What are the timings for the Live Auction?

Registration begins at 5:30pm with a drinks reception and food. The auction will start promptly at 6:30pm and we expect to finish at approximately 10:30pm.

How do I get a ticket for the Live Auction?

To register your interest visit https://waddleofworcester.co.uk/auction

Once available, tickets cost £15 and are required to gain entry to the event.

What can I do if I can’t make it to the Live Auction?

Online bidding will be available. Visit https://waddleofworcester.co.uk/auction for full details.

What is the guide price?

The reserve for each sculpture is expected to start from £3,000, so be prepared for some competitive bidding!

Previously the elephant sculptures sold for between £5,500 and £36,000 each, however prices realized could be higher and we expect popular sculptures to raise a significant amount for the hospice.

If a bid is successful, how to I pay for my penguin?

Payment is due immediately after the sale. Payment can be made by Via and MasterCard. Proof of ID will be required. Alternatively, we can issue an invoice for bank transfer and cheque payments (Live Auction bids ONLY). Sculptures will not be released until payment is received.

Will I pay VAT or commission on top of the hammer price?

The auction is a fundraising event for St Richard’s Hospice. There will be no VAT added to the auction value of each sculpture. There is also no buyer’s premium.

How will I get my penguin home?

You will have until 1st November 2024 to collect your sculpture. Details for this will be on your buyers invoice. A local courier will be present at the event to make arrangements for delivery, should you wish.

What size are the sculptures?

The big penguins are 1600mm tall and weigh approx. 30kg each. The penguin chick is 1000mm tall and weighs approx. 15kg.

What are the sculptures made from?

The penguins are made from a mixture of class II fire retardant laminating resin and chopped roving fiberglass over and initial brushed-on layer of gel coat.

Are the sculptures weatherproof?

The penguins have been outside on the trail for 8 weeks. They are happy being inside or outside, but may require annual maintenance to keep the paintwork/finish in good condition.

Can I buy a concrete plinth for my sculpture?

Unfortunately, we do not have plinths available to purchase. We can advise on anchoring solutions should you need it. Please contact Sara Matthews [email protected] for details.

Will my sculpture be insured?

All sculptures are covered by St Richard’s Hospice insurance whilst they are being held at DRPG (auction venue). On collection or after 1ast November 2024 (whichever is first) you are responsible for any insurance.

How much do you expect to make?

We’re hoping for GREAT things in 2024!

The great Waddle of Worcester builds on the hugely successful Worcester Stands Tall and Worcester’s Big Parade auctions in 2018 and 2021 which reached £210,000 and £368,800 respectively for the hospice.

Where does the money go?

The funds raised by the great Waddle of Worcester will help to fund the care provided by St Richard’s Hospice to patients with serious, progressive illnesses, their loved ones, and bereaved people across Worcestershire. The hospice relies on the support of the community for the majority of its income, with 20 per cent funded by the NHS.

More about St Richard’s Hospice

Caring for Life

St Richard’s Hospice is an independent charity caring for adults with a serious progressive illness, improving their quality of life from diagnosis, during treatment to their last days and supporting those important to them.

Each year the hospice team supports more than 3,100 patients, family members and bereaved people in Worcestershire.

It costs £9.72m to run the hospice (21/22 audited accounts), which includes patient care and all the necessary support services. St Richard’s relies on donations and gifts in Wills for the majority of its income with the remainder funded by the NHS.

Learn more

How penguins power patient care

The great Waddle of Worcester is being brought to the city by St Richard’s Hospice. At the end of the trail, each big penguin and one chick will be auctioned to raise money for the charity’s free care to patients, loved ones and bereaved people in Worcestershire.

The charity has delivered two previous, hugely popular Wild in Art trails; Worcester Stands Tall, in summer 2018, and Worcester’s Big Parade, in summer 2021, which combined raised more than £700,000 for the care of patients and families.


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A Wild in Art Event

Wild in Art is the leading producer of spectacular public art events which enrich, entertain, inform and connect communities – giving people of all ages a voice through art.

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