
Doodle McZenguin is the artist’s representation of their journey with creativity and its positive influence on their mental health.

Creative doodling can be a great method of mindfulness and one that has had a great impact on many.

The mixture of colourful and black and white sections depicts that some days are bright and joyful, yet other days can be less so.

The gold outlines of the section are inspired by the Japanese method Kintsugi which teaches us about accepting fragility, building strength and resilience, and taking pride in the imperfect.

Audio read by: Tammy Gooding from BBC Hereford and Worcester

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Inner Knowings

Inner Knowings is an emerging local artist whose creativity has long been a great support to her mental health.

Her love for the St Richard’s Hospice trails started with the very first one which was integral to breaking through a particularly devastating patch in her mental health journey. The joy and colour that Worcester Stands Tall brought to the city was incredibly inspiring in so many wonderful ways.

In more recent times Inner Knowings has put her creativity into developing community groups, and community projects including The Big Worcester Doodle – highlighting the benefits of basic creative methods for increasing mindfulness and improving mental health.





22. The Hive entrance

The Hive boasts a thriving in-house and digital events programme covering a wide range of interests that can help you connect with others, ignite your passions and expand your skills and interests.

Whether you’re a fan of art, a crime fiction obsessive, have a taste for foreign languages or simply want to entertain your little ones, they have something for you!

Check out their regular family events, adult learning opportunities and digital events. Interested in local history? Need help setting up your business? They’ve got you covered.

The Cultural Programme at The Hive comprises of quarterly themes, which bring a focus and cohesion to the majority of events and activities taking place both within the building and through our online/digital offer.

Find out more by visiting

Take home your own feathered friend

In October 2024 all 40 large penguins and one chick will be auctioned to raise funds for the care provided by St Richard’s Hospice.

In 2021, 31 stunning elephant sculptures raised a mammoth £368,800 to support the care provided by St Richard’s Hospice across Worcestershire.

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